lunedì 29 giugno 2015

system exploration

In this step the focus was on the search for greater interaction between the agents and the material deposited by them. This has resulted in more complicated and various structures.
Once again we are studied two different systems: the first having its origin at ground level, and the second vertically suspended.

Bottom up growth:

Some growth steps:

Hanging structure:

 Some growth steps:

venerdì 5 giugno 2015

vertical growth

In this step the growth process is based on agents having a vertical directionality. Each frame structure deposited is stable and influences the movement of agents. The environment is also characterized by a simple vector field:

 small render of the resulting structure

some screenshots: some variations of basic parameters

some images of other results of the same process applied to different environments

In this second video the same process is applied for a growth from the bottom:

stigmergy for vertical growth from Roberto Monesi on Vimeo.

 small render of the resulting structure (Top view)
 small render of the resulting structure

some images of other results of the same process applied to different environments

The third video was made by combining the two systems already seen before. In this case the stigmergy causes a mutual search between the two systems, each of which becomes attractor for the other:

stigmergy for vertical growth_two interacting systems from Roberto Monesi on Vimeo.

 small render of the resulting structure

martedì 2 giugno 2015

growth and development

This video simulates the growth of the natural hives (vertical development and honeycombs are nearly parallel).
In this case 3 systems grow simultaneously and each agent deposits a simple cubic structure, composed by particle and springs that works as an attractor for the other agents. The deformation caused by gravity occurs in real time, so that each agent has to interact with a structure already stable.
For each frame they are also added new agents that have the purpose of connecting different structures according to their distance and to the deformations to which they are subjected.

This video shows the same system, but the deposit starts from several points simultaneously (30 in this specific case). This allows greater variation in the resulting structures (areas with different stiffness) and greater differentiation of spaces. There is also more interaction between the agents and the material deposited.

Some of the results obtained with the same system

bees at work

This video is the synthesis of the first step. Each agent during his trip deposits a small cell composed by springs and particles. The finite space for the simulation is characterized by repellers and vectorfield. These features and the stigmergy behaviors generate the structure. When each system reaches its maximum dimension structure stabilizes under the effect of gravity and subsequent agents interacting with it.